Dr. Gila Cohen Zilka (Ph.D)
Gila Cohen Zilka, Ph.D, Lecturer and researcher, is Director of the Department for Teaching Social Studies, Citizenship, Sociology and Communication at Bar-Ilan University, Israel;
Head of the program for training tutors and mentors to work with children at risk, Achva Academic College;
Researcher and Advisor to the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance and parliamentary committees on the National Digital Gap.
Cohen Zilka’s research centers around communication – with children, among children, between parents and children, and children's communication in the diversified media, especially new media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and New Media Reality Shows. Her work offers ways to empower children, parents, and educators.
Cohen Zilka has worked for many years with children at risk, has trained mentors and educators working with children at risk and developed local community programs to promote children at risk. She is the author of numerous articles and has presented her work at conferences worldwide.

The core of Cohen Zilka’s research addresses the question: How can we realize our strength and thus realize the self? And how do we establish optimal communication with children and help them realize their strengths and goals?
The Elements Way Approach was the answer to these questions.
Cohen Zilka has been teaching the Elements Way Approach for numerous years, receiving great acclaim in teacher-education programs and academic circles. Her students had repeatedly asked for a detailed roadmap to the approach so it could be spread around, practiced, studied in depth and applied.
The answer to these requests are the two books described here, one for parents – Empowering Parents in the Social Media Age and the other for mentors and educators – Empowering Educators and Mentors in the Social Media Age.